Read the Founder's story

Mustafa Yiga was born in 2000 on 6th July. He was among the 36 children born of one father Mustafa Yiga ( Coach Mustafa ) is a self taught acrobat and a product of M-LISADA children’s home after losing his mother at the age of 2 years and was left in the hands of is elder brothers in Mityana district . Because of some difficulties with the brothers .Mustafa left the brothers and later joined his father home in Mityana where the situation there was unbearable because of the large family and the father who was mentally ill at the moment and used to spend most of the time in the mental hospital and couldn’t afford school fees at times was later Picked by his sister (name) who was staying and selling snacks to the children of M-LISADA. A resource centre in Kampala. 

The sister lived just few meter away from the M-LISADA home and Mustafa used to do all kinds of odd jobs including selling snacks to the children living in the home, creating a bond of the kids living there. After learning that M-LISADA learning that was supporting these children to stay in school he desired for the same opportunity and it was granted. He became a child member of M-LISADA and started going to school again. And acquired the best education Mustafa realized that many children of M-LISADA center showed their talents in music and dance and decided to pursue acrobatics, an art he had developed naturally as a child. Even though it has never been revealed to so many. 

This excited many children living at M-LISADA and they started to join him eventually and finally making him a mentor/ coach at a young age. 

This program started to grow and many children started to join. Music was then incorporated into the acrobatics and gymnastics to give official presentations with it. 

Mustafa and the M-LISADA acrobatics and gymnastics team members started to get and they received increased media coverage participating in many state and local events, turning a talent and passion into a career 

In 2020, after finishing high school, Mustafa learnt gymnastics coaching skills over the you tube and trained community kids in the slums areas of KATWE, In the holidays his works and gymnastics classes were recognized over his face book page by both international and local

televisions . And the passion for coaching geared up after meeting with the Gymnastics president of Uganda. Ms Harriet Ayaa who had just registered the Gymnastics Association of Uganda with the Federation of International Gymnastics (FIG). 

After several meetings and discussions with the gymnastics president and the gymnastics committee. He shared his ambitions and dreams to one day train gymnasts in Uganda to represent Uganda in the Olympics. Uganda gymnastics welcomed Mustafa warmly. And it was a great opportunity that gymnastics sport appeared on the national television for the first time and this inspired him so much. Gymnastics Association of Uganda gave the first gymnastics course of coaching and judging aerobics and tumbling where Mustafa acquired his first gymnastics classes with Marti and Xolani Wellington. At was after this course that Mustafa realized the journey he was on and continued to pursue his training skills which he acquired over the you tube and now with the skills from the first course where he was among the first pioneer coaches of gymnastics in Uganda. 

In 2021, Mustafa and the M-LISADA gymnastics club and did the first ever gymnastics exhibition in the country with the community kids from the slums of Katwe which later joined the M-LISADA gymnastics club. It is this club that made his dream be recognized internationally and he trained the club that made history of gymnastics of Uganda after winning the first national gymnastics championship and also trained the same club and won gold awards with the a south African gymnastics and now the M-LISADA gymnastics club being recognized internationally as a gymnastics club from Uganda. And in 2021 Uganda hosted the world gymnastics president Morinari Watanabe where the M-LISADA gymnasts had a chance to represent before the world gymnastics president. This was a big achievement for him as His gymnasts happen to present the best performance and this excited the young man. 

In 2022 Mustafa became one of the recognized coaches in the country and was among the first Ugandan coaches to travel with the gymnastics president to Egypt for the biggest African aerobics camp. And His activities started to get recognized and acquired several awards and having been recognized by the M-LISADA Organization and the supported him to attend several gymnastics courses both in Uganda and international. And Mustafa was officially recognized as a gymnastics coach for the club.

Mustafa became the first judge from Uganda to judge a national gymnastic championship in Kenya and this was the first ever gymnastic competition in Kenya. Mustafa became the first Elect head coach for Uganda gymnastics coaches .It was after visiting his home village where he came from that Mustafa saw the need to give back to the community and decided to discuss his dreams of giving back to the community with his father and the father agreed to award him with a piece of land where he can establish his academy. 

He started teaching gymnastics and physical education in the local and international schools. It was really interesting for him to share skills with young people which saves their health from being infected with diseases caused by unfitness but soon he discovered that many vulnerable and Ghetto children are living in Mityana his home town where gymnastics is not at all known to the people and the remoteness of the area hiding talents of the kids in the community and he saw that through gymnastics program the kids will have opportunity to discover their inner potentials and change their society just as he was. 

Mustafa gymnastics academy is rolling out a training program that will help many children from the slums and remote areas to access proper training and mentorship.